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Kula Devata of the Janai Clan

Shree Shree Sridhar Jeu, Kaliprasadeshwar & Khosaleshwar

Unlike every Hindu family, the Mukherjee family of Janai has its own family deity. The word Kula means family or clan and Devata means male-deity. Hindu families make a pilgrimage to the Kuladevata or Kuladevi temple to obtain blessing of the deity after an auspicious occasion such as a wedding.


Worship of the kul-devata or kul-devi is considered to be of utmost importance. The Kul-devata is the guardian of the family, of the lineage. Ancestors of the family have worshipped the deity and there is a bond between the family and the deity. Hence such worship bears fruits early. Worship of the kuldevata is said to appease the deity who is the sole protector of the family. One who worships his/her family deity is said to be protected by the deity in times of calamity.


The founder of the family, Ishwar Kaliprasad Mukhopadhayay, during construction of his gigantic palace, built two temples dedicating them in the name of Lord Shiva. He named the two shiv-lingas as "Kaliprasdeshwar" and "Khosaleshwar". 


Kali Babur Bari, Janai (Hoogly), Mukherjee Para (Moira Para), P.S. Chanditala, P.O. Janai, West Bengal, India

© 2014, Kali Babur Bari, Janai

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